Did you know?
- Scorpio endure hysterical if you poured alcohol which make him bite himself to death.
- Human eats 243insect by mistake during his lifetime.
- 100 years later ، Facebook will contain about 910 million accounts for dead people.
- the brain takes a short nap whenever we blink our eyes , in order to take rest of receiving the visual information.
- to see anyone you love smiling causes the same effect on the pleasure center in the brain when you get a cheque for 25,000 dollars.
- Ant is the longest age among insects , it reach up to 30-years.
- If we inserted 10 information each second into a human brain for the rest of its lifetime, it will be filled less than half.
- Eating onions and garlic helps hair to grow quickly.
- The length of your thumb is the same length as your nose.
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